The Ocicat, a breed of cat that emerged in the 1960s, originated from an unplanned union. Virginia Daly from the Dalai Cattery in America intentionally paired a seal-point Siamese with a Usual Abyssinian, aiming to create an Abyssinian-pointed Siamese.


Size: Medium – Large
Weight: 2.7 – 6.8 kg
Coat Length: Short
Coat Colour: Tawny, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Fawn & SIlver
Eye Colour: All colours except Blue
Grooming: Low
Longevity: 10 – 15 years
Attention Needs: Moderate



History of the Breed

Originating from an unplanned pairing in the 1960s, the Ocicat is a recent addition to cat breeds. Virginia Daly of the Dalai Cattery in America sought to create an Abyssinian-pointed Siamese by mating a seal point Siamese with a Usual Abyssinian. The resulting kittens, displaying diverse colours and coat patterns, included one with a remarkable coat featuring gold spots on an ivory background, resembling the wild Ocelot. This distinctive feline became the inspiration for the name “Ocicat.” Mrs Daly further enhanced the breed by introducing the American Shorthair into the breeding program, contributing silver colours, strong musculature, and bone structure. By the early 1980s, the Ocicat gained popularity, achieving provisional status in America and earning Championship status in 1987. The breed crossed the Atlantic in 1988, finding increasing popularity in Britain.


The Ocicat’s name reflects its resemblance to the Ocelot, not only in coat pattern but also in its naturally graceful, lithe, and agile movements. Medium to large, the Ocicat has a well-spotted coat, a wedged-shaped head with a gentle rise from nose to brow, a broad muzzle, and a hint of jaw squareness. The body is solid, with a deep, broad chest and a straight back slightly higher at the rear, giving the impression of a wild hunting cat. Powerful, well-muscled legs, compact oval paws, and a long tail with minimal tapering from a broad base complete the distinctive appearance.


Despite their wild appearance, Ocicats exhibit a temperament that is far from aggressive. Intelligent, playful, curious, and friendly, they enjoy human companionship and adapt well to indoor environments. They thrive on interaction and are content with the company of another Ocicat if humans are absent. These adaptable felines can be kept indoors with a suitable setup comprising scratching posts and stairs.

Living With Ocicat

While the Ocicat may appear moderate in appearance, its behaviour can be quite extreme, necessitating secure and Ocicat-proofed housing. Owners should be prepared to engage with these big, strong cats that have strong opinions. Ideally suited for a calm, quiet household with older teenagers and ample space, Ocicats thrive when provided with an environment that encourages play and entertainment.