Tailless and Sweet: The Cymric’s Love for Play and Grooming.
Size: Medium – Large
Weight: 4 – 5+ kg
Coat Length: Short
Coat Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Copper, Gold
Grooming: Low
Longevity: 9 – 13 years
Attention Needs: Moderate

History of the Breed
Long-haired counterparts of the Manx, Cymrics boast a rich history intertwined with legends surrounding their origin. One intriguing, albeit genetically inaccurate, tale suggests that as Noah summoned animals onto the ark, the Manx, napping at the time, barely made it in before the door closed, accidentally severing its tail. Another legend ties the breed to a shipwrecked vessel from the Spanish Armada in 1588 off the Isle of Man.
The true roots of the Manx likely trace back to trading ships travelling from Phoenicia to Japan, where sailors might have brought back Japanese corkscrew-tailed cats as mousers rather than intentionally introducing a new breed.
The inaugural Manx champion, Bonhaki, achieved recognition in London around 1900, marking the breed’s presence in the United States from the 1930s. The first U.S. Manx Grand Champion emerged in 1951.
Cymrics surfaced in Canada in the 1960s, initially considered long-haired Manx. Some registries retain this classification, while others label them separately as Cymrics, derived from the Celtic word for Welsh.
A robust and heavily boned medium-sized cat, the Cymric may give the impression of size or weight discrepancy. Sporting a rounded head, round eyes, whisker pad roundness, and a rounded rump, the cat’s ears form a rocker shape when viewed from behind. The hind end stands higher than the front when the cat is upright.
While not all Cymrics are entirely tailless, those without any protuberance are referred to as rumpies. Some possess a small stump, earning them the title of Stumpies, while others, known as rumpy risers, exhibit a rising tail when petted around the rump. Over time, a rumpy riser’s tail may be obscured by a fat pad and no longer rise when petted. Kittens may be born with full or half tails.
The Cymric boasts a double coat of long hair, contributing to its thick and dense appearance.
Known for their placid and sweet disposition, Cymrics remain unfazed by events in their world. They are affectionate companions who cherish human interaction.
Living With CYMRIC
Maintaining a Cymric’s health requires strict control over their nutrition, given their tendency to gain weight quickly due to their hearty appetite. Despite their calm demeanor, Cymrics enjoy running and playing, showcasing a distinctive gait reminiscent of bowling balls. Regular grooming, particularly during shedding seasons, is essential to prevent the build-up of the thick double coat.